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Our flag


Our flag is ecofeminist

We conceive our flag as a symbol that represents the unity between the feminist and environmentalist movements. Through it, we express the interconnection between the struggle for gender equity and the protection of Nature.

Light green: symbolizes our connection with Nature; we are eco-dependent.
Purple: symbolizes the struggle led by women against patriarchal and misogynistic violence.

We combine the symbol of ecology with the feminist one to represent the unity of the fight that women lead for the defense of Nature and Territory.

The horizontal position of the colors symbolizes the struggle and plural participation of women and dissidents to restore balance in the biosphere; we are interdependent.

Their meanings

The ecofeminist flag seeks to inspire, raise awareness, and represent the joint struggle for a more equitable, just, and sustainable world for all forms of life on our planet.

If you would like to purchase one, click here

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